
Sometimes people need more time to do things,but it's also an good(maybe lame) excuse to get rid of those difficult tasks.

During these period of time, I intend to do things in much slower pace. To balance all the dissatisfaction piled in my heart, I really did it on purpose. However, after that, what's happening? Getting more relax time, Getting more journey experience?

Recently, my boss has told me how's going about my relationship. It leads me to think twice about more than the short conversations. Have I chosen an easy way to do my job? We know there's never an ending day of job, but how far you can get there is not an impossible mission to reach. I always wanna reach the balance between life and job; however, it's indeed not a piece of cake to do. The only one thing I try to persuade myself is "be loyal to your heart, your feelings", don't make believe that you're pleasant about the seemingly never-ending working experience. The more working time you spend, the less leisure time you have.

Still, making a balance is quite hard things to learn. People always find it more difficult than we have expected. Somehow, maybe someday, I know I can find a way.

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